AUTHOR : SHAUN SEOW 20 and has attached to his BELOVED♥

Sunday, October 18, 2009

8:53 PM

Yo People! I'm Back! Hahahahah! Such a long time since my update!

Been lazy and busy though :-p the last update was before my field camp it seems. Lots of stuffs happened Wooo!
I'm a combat medic now and am a medical student. Having it great, studying,lectures etc! Best thing is... I get to see my beloved on fridays!!! Hell Yeah! She's da best girl there eva was! Hahah, dear, thanks for the halloween!!! Mu***s!

After staying in the army for a period of time, i must say i've learnt much. Patience, discipline and timing are some of em but the most important lession that i learnt was to cherish those around me. Sometimes i find myself gazing up the skies and wondering how's everyone. Misses occurs~

I would say being in the army certainly shaped up my personality for the better. Although i miss her alot at times :p Ahh..30 more mins and i'll be inside. I guess monday blues have already started hehehs! Tomorrow's my first guardduty! kinda looking foward to it hahah!

As i lay down my pen and get ready for booking in , Here are some sweet precious moments :-p
Ever saw a cute witch?! HAha!
Your my ''sheep'' wahaha!
I love the way she smile :)
Flat tummies Heheh
This pic's one of my personal frav :P
Ann't he sick?
Our Classic Picture :-D
Ps: Your the best Dear!